Nice Things To Do For Mother's Day

Do your kids ever read over your shoulder when you're online? If they do, this is probably the one post you'll actually be happy about them reading! Since Mother's Day is coming up, here are a few ideas for how to celebrate Mom that don't cost a lot of money.

-Take her out for coffee. Better yet, learn to make one of her favorite coffeehouse drinks at home. Nescafe has come out with some instant versions of mochas, cappuccinos and caramel lattes that aren't very expensive but have every bit as much flavor as the ones made at Starbucks.  For the price of one tall cup at Starbucks, you can get a box of seven of these at the grocery store.

-If you or someone else in your family is handy, finally do That Task She's Been Nagging Dad To Do For Ages. 

-Make a mani/pedi/lunch day out of it.

-If you have kids, have your kids make her a card and present it to her with breakfast in bed. No grandmother can refuse artwork or other personal gifts from her grandchildren!

-If she likes to garden, get a starter plant for her favorite flower or vegetable. You'll probably find them all over the place this time of year for pretty good prices.

-Take over cooking/cleaning/diapering/dog walking/litterbox cleaning/whatever arduous task for a week. Better yet, get Dad to do it. The novelty will be a gift in and of itself. :)

-If you have kids, have them write and perform a song or cheer celebrating Grandma. It doesn't matter if they can sing well or not; in fact, it will probably be more endearing if they can't! :) The effort is what counts.

-Make her her favorite meal or dessert, particularly if it's not something she gets to have very often.

-If your mom is far away and you forgot to mail a card, there are sites like VirtualGifts4U where you can 'send' her a variety of gifts. I once sent my sister a cappuccino and the guys from Mythbusters. :) The virtual Eiffel Tower and mink coat are nice too, and much less expensive than the 'originals'!

-Gift cards and Amazon gift codes are always good.

-To the kids: It might be nice to treat Mom to a day/week of not talking back/playing loud music/having to ask you to do your homework or whatever else she'd rather you not do.

-Make a list of all the things you appreciate about your mom and put them on a giant card you and your kids made out of poster board.

-If a woman in your life does not have kids, you can still find a way to honor her. For example-my husband and I don't have kids, so I once wrote him a Father's Day card and signed the cats' names to it. I figured that our cats think they're human anyway, so it might as well 'count'! :) You get the idea.

Happy Mother's Day!

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